Can you tell what breed is this dog?
Building my first Computer Vision project using Convolutional Neural Network and applying transfer learning to recognize dog breeds step by step.
Are you curious about how much your home/apartment/room/living room sofa is worth on Airbnb? Let me show you some findings from an exploratory analysis on the Airbnb listing prices in Seattle and Boston.
Are urban greening projects making our city greener? This project applies remote sensing approaches to measure the change of green in Philadelphia Navy Yard.
This blog was written during the 2018 Azavea Summer of maps fellowship program. I performed multiple modeling approaches in machine learning to predict the high-risk marine debris locations. This blog is a summary of the evaluation of all the machine learning models applied in this project.
Have you ever spent too much time tracing outlines of images in ArcMap? And the quality of the traced data is not even as good as it could be? Do you wish there were tools to automate that process? I totally understand. I have been there.